Parent term:
Children terms:
Sibling terms:
- About (Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Preamble (Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Aim of the agreement (Article 2, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Nationally determined contributions (Article 3, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Parties contribution (Article 4, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Parties action (Article 5, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Parties cooperation and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions (Article 6, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Global goal on adaptation (Article 7, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Adressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change (Article 8, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Support for developing countries (Article 9, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- The Technology Mechanism for technology transfer (Article 10, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Capacity-building (Article 11, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Climate change education, training, public awareness (Article 12, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Transparency framework for action and support (Article 13, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- The Conference of the Parties (Article 14, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Mechanism to facilitate implementation and promote compliance with the provisions (Article 15, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- The Conference of the Parties as the supreme body of the Convention (Article 16, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Secretariat (Article 17, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Subsidiary Bodies (Article 18, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Other institutional arrangements (Article 19, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Agreement openness for signature (Article 20, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Agreement's enter into force (Article 21, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Provisions on the adoption of amendments to the Convention (Article 22, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Annexes to the Agreement (Article 23, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Settlement of disputes (Article 24, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Right to vote (Article 25, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Depositary of the Agreement (Article 26, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- No reservations to the Agreement (Article 27, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Withdrawal from the Agreement (Article 28, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)
- Deposition of the original of Agreement (Article 29, Paris Agreement, Climatic Change)