- Sessions of the Court of Justice (Article 251, TFEU)
- The Advocates-General (Article 252, TFEU)
- Selection, appointment and replacement of the Advocates-General of the Court of Justice (Article 253, TFEU)
- The members of the General Court (Article 254, TFEU)
- Panel set up to give an opinion on the suitability of candidates of the Court of Justice (Article 255, TFEU)
- Jurisdiction of the General Court to hear and determine (Article 256, TFEU)
- Specialised courts attached to the General Court (Article 257, TFEU)
- Failure of a Member State to fulfil an obligation under the Treaties (Article 258, TFEU)
- Action against another Member State for an alleged infringement of an obligation under the Treaties (Article 259, TFEU)
- Penalties for the failure of a Member State to fulfil an obligation under the Treaties (Article 260, TFEU)
- Unlimited jurisdiction of the Court of Justice regarding the penalties (Article 261, TFEU)
- Conferring jurisdiction to the Court of Justice of the European Union (Article 262, TFEU)
- Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice (Article 263, TFEU)
- Declaring the voidness of a contested act (Article 264, TFEU)
- Action in the event of the failure of a European institution to act (Article 265, TFEU)
- Institution's necessary measures to comply with the judgment of the Court of Justice (Article 266, TFEU)
- Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice in disputes relating to compensation for damage (Article 268, TFEU)
- Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice to decide on the legality of an act adopted by the European Council or by the Council (Article 269, TFEU)
- Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice in dispute between the Union and its servants (Article 270, TFEU)
- Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union in disputes concerning financial matters (Article 271, TFEU)
- Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice to give judgment pursuant to an arbitration clause (Article 272, TFEU)
- Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice in disputes between Member States (Article 273, TFEU)
- Exclusion of the Union from the jurisdiction of the courts or tribunals of the Member States (Article 274, TFEU)
- Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice with respect to the common foreign and security policy (Article 275, TFEU)
- Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice relating to the area of freedom, security and justice (Article 276, TFEU)
- Pleading before the Court of Justice to invoke the inapplicability of an act (Article 277, TFEU)
- Suspensory effect of actions brought before the Court of Justice (Article 278, TFEU)
- Prescription of interim measures (Article 279, TFEU)
- Enforceability of the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union (Article 280, TFEU)
- The statute of the Court of Justice (Article 281, TFEU)