Level 1 assets are limited to:
(a) coins and banknotes;
(b) central bank reserves (including required reserves),(12) to the extent that the central bank policies allow them to be drawn down in times of stress;(13)
(c) marketable securities representing claims on or guaranteed by sovereigns, central banks, PSEs, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and European Community, or multilateral development banks,(14) and satisfying all of the following conditions:
- assigned a 0% risk-weight under the Basel II Standardised Approach for credit risk;(15)
- traded in large, deep and active repo or cash markets characterised by a low level of concentration;
- have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in the markets (repo or sale) even during stressed market conditions; and
- not an obligation of a financial institution or any of its affiliated entities.(16)
(d) where the sovereign has a non-0% risk weight, sovereign or central bank debt securities issued in domestic currencies by the sovereign or central bank in the country in which the liquidity risk is being taken or in the bank’s home country; and
(e) where the sovereign has a non-0% risk weight, domestic sovereign or central bank debt securities issued in foreign currencies are eligible up to the amount of the bank’s stressed net cash outflows in that specific foreign currency stemming from the bank’s operations in the jurisdiction where the bank’s liquidity risk is being taken.