Political Declaration setting out the framework for the future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union (Brexit)

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  • INTRODUCTION (Brexit: Political declaration - future relationship between the UK and the EU, draft)
  • PART I: INITIAL PROVISIONS (Brexit: Political declaration - future relationship between the UK and the EU, draft) Skryť 2 podradené uzly. Zobraziť 2 podradené uzly.
  • PART II: ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP (Brexit: Political declaration - future relationship between the UK and the EU, draft) Skryť 14 podradených uzlov. Zobraziť 14 podradených uzlov.
  • PART III: SECURITY PARTNERSHIP (Brexit: Political declaration - future relationship between the UK and the EU, draft) Skryť 4 podradené uzly. Zobraziť 4 podradené uzly.
  • PART IV: INSTITUTIONAL AND OTHER HORIZONTAL ARRANGEMENTS (Brexit: Political declaration - future relationship between the UK and the EU, draft) Skryť 3 podradené uzly. Zobraziť 3 podradené uzly.
  • PART V: FORWARD PROCESS (Brexit: Political declaration - future relationship between the UK and the EU, draft) Skryť 3 podradené uzly. Zobraziť 3 podradené uzly.